Be The Best You Yet - 2015

News & Advice

The Best You Yet

Call 01282 453 110 to book your appointment.

We’ve all said it at some point, or heard one of our family or friends say it – “A New Year, a new me” or “The diet and fitness regime starts in January”. Well, how many times does this happen; we set out with the best intentions – our diet is planned with salad, fruit and homemade soup in the fridge, our exercise regime and times when we do it is set, gym membership paid for and those selection boxes that are lingering around the house are thrown away (or sneakily eaten to ‘get rid of them’).

The plan starts off great and you enjoy the first 3, maybe 4, weeks but then life starts to get back to the norm again, and it becomes harder to keep up this regime you have been keeping to so far. Another thing that starts to affect your desire to keep all this up is the fact that you’re not losing as much weight as you wanted to, or you’re not building the muscle that you imagined. The fact is, diet and exercise plans take more than January to see the desired results, and in fact it’s better to become part of your lifestyle rather than a phase or a quick fix. There’s plenty of other reasons why it becomes hard, including injuries and fatigue due to your body not being used to the exercises you might be doing. This is where Physiofusion come in and help you to become the best you yet!!

As well as physiotherapy and sports injuries we also have a host of alternative and complimentary therapies that are ideal for getting back into shape, losing a few pounds, and recovery for when something does go wrong. Our therapists are professionals in the therapies that they practice and have years of experience behind them. These therapies are a great addition and support to your diet and exercise plans and include;

Nutritional Therapy

Don’t let injuries and fatigue get between you and your goals in 2015. We can be there every step of the way to offer professional help and advice to fulfil your targets.

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Spend less time suffering and more time doing what you love. Our Ask A Physio service is a free and confidential service designed to provide you with advice and information on your problem before you book an appointment.

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