Neck Injuries - Physiofusion

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Neck Injuries

Call 01282 453 110 to book your appointment.

Neck pain is the second most common condition to be treated by Physiotherapists. It can be due to a number of causes including:

  • Neck osteoarthritis (Cervical Spondylosis)  


    1. Osteoarthritis is not just limited to peripheral joints such as hips and knees; it can also affect the joints within the spinal column. It develops from wear and tear of the cartilage and bones found in your cervical spine situated in your neck. The most common symptoms of cervical Spondylosis include neck pain, stiffness and headaches. Wear and tear within the neck joints can reduce the amount of space available for you spinal nerves. Therefore, occasionally pain, pins and needles, numbness and weakness can occur within one of your arms.
  • Whiplash associated disorder  


    1. Neck pain is a common result of a road traffic accident. This is usually due to a sudden movement of the head forwards and backwards. This excessive movement causes the soft tissues, such as, ligaments and tendons around the neck to become overstretched and therefore causing pain. Whiplash disorder is not just limited to the neck; pain can be present anywhere along the length of the spinal column. Symptoms of pain often resolve within 6 months post-accident, however with treatment the prognosis can be shorter.
  • Degenerative disc disease  


    1. The vertebrae are the bones which stack on top of one another to create the spine. Between each vertebra are round cartilaginous structures called discs. As we age, the discs within the spine can start to decrease in height and the disc walls can become weaker. This reduction in height can cause the joints between the vertebrae to become more compact, often leading to cervical Spondylosis. The most common symptom is a stiff neck, however, can also lead to other symptoms such as those listed above.
  • Cervical herniated disc


  1. A herniated disc in the neck can occur secondary to previous neck injuries and trauma, or the symptoms can occur spontaneously. Symptoms from a disc protrusion in the neck vary depending on the location of the disc bulge. They can typically include: pain in the neck, nerve pains into the arm, as well as pins and needles, numbness and weakness.

Often somebody with a painful neck may have a combination of the above conditions, for example, cervical Spondylosis is often associated with degenerative disc disease. However, with a thorough physiotherapy assessment we can identify the main problems that a person is presenting with.

Treatment usually includes: spinal joint mobilisation, soft tissue release, cervical traction, acupuncture and the use of electrotherapy.

If you are suffering from any neck injuries, book an assessment with one of our professionally trained physiotherapists today on 01282 453 110.

Caroline Website

Caroline Schofield (Chartered Physiotherapist)

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