Do supplements really work? Natural food Vs supplementation

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Do supplements really work?

For some of us, vitamin and mineral supplements are a way to avoid ill health, as well as improving our overall well-being and energy levels. Some of us even choose to take supplements to make up for diets that are less than adequate, because we can’t or won’t eat particular foods. But do supplements really work?

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Do supplements really work? There are many reasons for taking supplements – the main one being the ability to shortcut / fast-track a way to become more healthy, whether that be for internal or external benefits.

Scientific studies however, have revealed that this is perhaps a little “too good to be true”. For example, Omega 3 – the substitute capsule that promises to deliver a daily dose of essential fatty acids as well as an alternative to fish. Its purpose is a preventative measure to help ward-off heart diseases and improve overall health. Recent evidence on both men and women of different health status’ and ages shows that Omega 3 supplements have little or no effect on the prevention of heart disease.

It is a similar story when it comes to multivitamins. Taking lots of different vitamins at once can actually end up being more harmful to our health. One major factor to consider is the importance of the biological and chemical reaction that different foods have on each other. Most nutrients do not work alone, they interact, they can cancel one another out, and work in unison through different metabolic pathways.

One of the main reasons why food is always preferable to supplements is that food is a mixture of nutrients that have evolved naturally to work within our bodies.

An example of this is Folate and Vitamin B12. This is one of nutrition’s formidable forces. They work together to assist some of the most fundamental processes of cell division and replication. Folate, one of the eight B-vitamins, is dependent on B12 to be absorbed, stored, and metabolised. Although they need one another to work, they are not from the same food sources. Folate occurs naturally in plant sources, such as, green leafy vegetables, beans and legumes. B12 is found in meat, eggs, milk and other animal sources.

It’s not what we eat, but more how we eat that is important. Unfortunately, there is no so-called “quick fix” to keeping our bodies working optimally. Do supplements really work? We’re not saying that supplements categorically WILL NOT work, as there are some studies that indicate positive reactions. Supplements are just not as reliable and effective as food and everyone can have a different reaction to them, if any at all.

In our opinion and also a number of scientist’s opinions, food is a much more reliable and effective choice when considering how to improve our health and well-being.

If you’re not satisfied with your diet, you feel tired and lethargic more often or you’re struggling to lose / gain weight, get in touch with us using our FREE online service. You can ask us for a little advice and see if we can help!

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